The WildeBeatThe audio journal about getting into the wilderness.
The outdoor recreation and adventure radio show and podcast about backcountry news and activities, like camping, backpacking, skiing, and snowshoeing. MORE... CONTRIBUTEYou can contribute reports about your own outings, local wilderness areas, and conditions. Find out how. Listener comment line: SUPPORTHelp us help more people to discover our wild public lands. The WildeBeat is a public benefit project of the Earth Island Institute, a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation. ARCHIVES
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Thu, May 10, 2007Listen now:
Steve rode with backcountry ranger Cameron Bowers on a patrol trip to the wilderness. Volunteer park historian Teddy Goodrich came along. They stopped for lunch and to talk along Red Creek, in the heart of the wilderness area. The Pine Ridge Association provides a lot of volunteer help to operate and maintain the park, and they maintain a comprehensive informational web site. Several years ago, the wilderness area was threatened by a proposal to route a high speed rail line through it. Traveling into the Orestimba Wilderness is a challenging trip. But no where is California's inter-coastal range so well preserved and undeveloped. And you could have it all to yourself! This is an update of our edition number 44 of June 1st, 2006. At the time of our original story, the Ortestimba Wilderness was indeed difficult to get to. But as of next week, a new entrance will provide a trailhead much closer to the edge of the wilderness. Steve talks to C. L. Price, a sector superintendent for the California State Parks responsible Henry Coe State Park. He explains the new entrance that opens up on May 19th.