The WildeBeatThe audio journal about getting into the wilderness.
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ListenOn-Page (Listen Now) PlayerOur on-page player is located above each article containing an audio file. It should work with most modern browsers. Click on the triangle play button.
The player will expand to reveal the playback progress bar, the clip title, and the time index, and will begin playing.
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Audio FileThe WildeBeat is delivered as an MP3 file for download. Most computers or operating system upgrades sold since 2000 are configured to play MP3 files, and many software packages, including Apple's QuickTime and Windows Media Player, can play MP3 files. An MP3 file is a way to store sound on a computer that makes the file relatively small and easy to download. WikiPedia explains in more detail what an MP3 file is. To listen to a show, click on the speaker link appearing below the show description on the main page, as in this example: If that doesn't work for you, some podcasting directories convert MP3 files to other streaming formats. Here is a list of those sites to try, in order of our experience with their reliability: If those don't work, we'd like to hear from you. Please send an e-mail message to: webmaster(AT) TelephoneCall: (818) 688-2747 (in the U.S.) This free service (standard telephone charges to the Los Angeles area apply) is provided by, and allows you to listen to the latest edition of the WildeBeat by telephone. SubscribeThe WildeBeat is available as a podcast for automatic download to your computer or portable audio player. Our podcast news feeds are syndicated using RSS. There are many RSS newsreader software packages that you can use. In order of their popularity among WildeBeat listeners, here are a few that are available:
Wikipedia explains RSS and provides links to client-side and numerous other web-based newsreaders. E-Mail NotificationTo receive e-mail notification via FeedBlitz whenever there are updates to the WildeBeat (news podcast), Vox WildeBeat (listener comments podcast), and the WildeBeat text-only blog, enter your e-mail address: If you do not want to be notified when there are updates to Vox WildeBeat or the blog, please consider the other subscription options described below. Audio FeedsYou can choose one of two separate feeds, or both, that automatically download news from the WildeBeat. To subscribe, choose one of the following web address for the feed you prefer, and copy and paste it into the subscribe dialog box of your RSS newsreader software or web application.
Alternately, you can copy the web address from the feed icon (the little orange square) by right-clicking on the icon using Windows or Linux, or control-clicking using the Macintosh, and then pasting this address into your software. Apple iTunes
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