The WildeBeatThe audio journal about getting into the wilderness.
The outdoor recreation and adventure radio show and podcast about backcountry news and activities, like camping, backpacking, skiing, and snowshoeing. MORE... CONTRIBUTEYou can contribute reports about your own outings, local wilderness areas, and conditions. Find out how. Listener comment line: SUPPORTHelp us help more people to discover our wild public lands. The WildeBeat is a public benefit project of the Earth Island Institute, a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation. ARCHIVES
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Mon, Jun 16, 2014
Our new show will be titled: Untrammeled! Celebrating 50 years of American wilderness. Everything we can tell you about the show right now is on a temporary about page for the Untrammeled! enhanced podcast. Please keep checking that site for more news. We'll also be posting updates on Twitter and Facebook. Sat, May 28, 2011This is a long overdue update. I appreciate the many e-mail and phone messages I've received asking me about the future of our work. As producer and host, I'm still seeking the resources to re-launch regular production of The WildeBeat as a long-form show. I continue to post bits of news about wilderness policy and recreation issues on Twitter @WildeGeek and on FaceBook as The WildeBeat Podcast. We will continue to keep our three years of archives and 163 shows online. For the full update, See more. Fri, Nov 07, 2008Steve made an announcement in an audio porogram yesterday about a change to our show schedule and format. You can download a PDF file of our press release, or read the text of it below. Tue, Jun 24, 2008We'd like to welcome Kate Taylor to the WildeBeat project as our new Assistant Producer. In addition to producing entire editions by herself, she'll also help Steve and Jean research and edit other stories in progress. You can look forward to hearing Kate's voice and creative work in future editions of the show. Mon, May 05, 2008If you're a user of Facebook and a fan of the WildeBeat, you can become our fan on Facebook. Just go to the WildeBeat page on Facebook and click on become a fan. Sun, Apr 29, 2007The WildeBeat Adopted as a Project of Earth Island InstituteEarth Island Institute (a nonprofit incubator of environmental organizations) has adopted the WildeBeat as one of its projects, providing us the opportunity to support our efforts through tax-deductible donations and corporate underwriting, as well as foundation and government grants. This new relationship gives us a nonprofit structure that allows us to keep doing what we have been, and more. We're excited about the future under this new organization. We hope to expand out efforts to produce more shows and make them available to a wider audience. On our new support page, you'll find a link to a membership form where you can make a tax-deductible donation to support production of future programs. We'll be looking for ways to make that membership even more valuable to you. You might also notice that the Google Ads have been removed from the web site — they're not compatible with our nonprofit status. Thank you for listening and participating, and for your continued interest. — Steve Sergeant Thu, Jan 04, 2007Happy New Year! And thanks to all our listeners for your interest and support in 2006. In case you missed the announcement in our edition #71, we're taking a two week break from production of The WildeBeat. Our next show will be published on January 18th. Until then, if you're relatively new to the show, we encourage you to look back through our archives. In a year and a half and 71 shows, there are hours of our programs and bonus content you might not have heard. Before we return, we'll have an announcement about the future of The WildeBeat, and our plans to keep bringing you more and more informative programs. Tue, Nov 14, 2006In case you can't, or would rather not listen to audio on your computer, and you don't have an MP3 player to download The WildeBeat into, there's now another option: You can now listen to the latest edition of The WildeBeat by phone. Call: (818) 688-2747 (in the U.S.) This free service (except for the cost of a phone call to the Los Angeles area) is provided by Thu, Oct 12, 2006We realized that we forgot to include the statement in edition number 60 that we're taking a break this week. We'll post our next edition of The WildeBeat on Thursday, October 19th. Thanks to a couple of you who asked, "where's this week's show?" Wed, Jul 26, 2006Our edition number 51 for July 27th will be late. We normally post our show at 9:00 AM (Pacific time) on Thursday mornings, but we're not going to make that deadline. We expect to have the show up by mid-day on Friday, July 28th. This has been a rough week in San Jose, California. We've had ten straight days of record heat, and six consecutive days over 100°F. That alone we could have managed, but then three and a half days without electricity has put us more than a day behind on our production schedule, as well as plenty of other work. Our power was restored last night, but now there's a lot of catching-up to do. We apologize for missing our normal release time, and we thank all of our loyal listeners for their understanding. Sun, Dec 25, 2005When we first conceived The WildeBeat, we wanted a big part of it to be listener participation. Thanks to those of you who sent us some good ideas. But we really want to encourage a lot more. As an experiment, we'd like to launch a second podcast feed. This second feed, as yet unnamed, will consist almost exclusively of listener-contributions of news and ideas that you leave on our comment line, or e-mail to us as audio or text files. (Please see our contribute page for help on commenting by e-mail.) Shows based on these contributions will be published irregularly, whenever we collect at least a couple of minutes of usable content, or whenever that content contains important breaking news. We need to hear from you! Contribution ideas:
We're interested in any comments you'd like to make about the WildeBeat, or about wilderness areas or activities. When we have enough listener-contributed material, we'll announce the new feed. Fri, Nov 18, 2005The National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) published a press release titled, Congress Examines Drug Trafficking in National Parks. Here's an excerpt: Illegal marijuana cultivation within Sequoia National Park, for instance… has had serious consequences on the safety of park staff and visitors, the experiences of visitors, and the park’s already-tight budget,” NPCA Central Valley Program Manager Laura Whitehouse testified before the Parks Subcommittee of the House Resources Committee. “The parks are in desperate need of increased backcountry patrols, and helicopter time to patrol and conduct surveillance of these hard-to-find growing areas. Without further investigation of marijuana activities within the parks, park resources—as well as visitors and park rangers—are in danger.” It's interesting that the NPCA testified before congress on this issue on the same day we issued our edition on the subject. Mon, Oct 24, 2005You can now give us news tips and reports, or tell us what you think about the show, on our new toll-free listener comment line: 866-590-7373 To find out how to leave a message that we're most likely to play on the show, visit our Contribute page. |