The WildeBeatThe audio journal about getting into the wilderness.
The outdoor recreation and adventure radio show and podcast about backcountry news and activities, like camping, backpacking, skiing, and snowshoeing. MORE... CONTRIBUTEYou can contribute reports about your own outings, local wilderness areas, and conditions. Find out how. Listener comment line: SUPPORTHelp us help more people to discover our wild public lands. The WildeBeat is a public benefit project of the Earth Island Institute, a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation. ARCHIVES
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Thu, May 29, 2008Listen now:
The Leave no trace Center for Outdoor Ethics teaches skills to help you keep your parks and wilderness areas in their best possible condition. You can minimize your impacts on these place so that others can enjoy them more, and you can enjoy them in the future. J.D. Tanner and Emily Ressler are this year's senior traveling trainers for Leave No Trace. They'll spend the year touring the country, attending festivals, and presenting classes on Leave No Trace principles to all kinds of people, from grade school students to professional mountain guides. We'll hear more from J.D and Emily in several future editions. Thu, May 22, 2008Listen now:
Steve tells the story with the help of:
A recent point of contention between wilderness groups and mountain bicycling groups was over the establishment of the King Range Wilderness. This wilderness was established in October, 2006, as part of the Northern California Coastal Wild Heritage Wilderness Act. WildeBeat members can download additional interview clips about responsible mountain bike riding in the backcountry from our WildeBeat Insider web pages.
Thu, May 15, 2008Listen now:
Larry Kirschner reviews the Coleman 4AA Pack-Away Lantern. Roger Caffin reviews the Princeton Tec Quad Headlamp. Tim Tessier reviews the Black Diamond Icon Headlamp. If you're interested in reviewing for Backpack Gear Test (BGT), read: How to become a tester. Manufacturers provide more gear than the volunteers at BGT can keep up with. By becoming a tester, you can help your fellow wilderness travelers find out what gear will work for them.
Thu, May 08, 2008Listen now:
Wild fires burned through three major wilderness areas in California late last summer:
Steve talks with fire ecologist Jon Keely of the United States Geologic Survey about whether fire irreparably damages wild lands. Winslow Briggs, director emeritus for the Carnagie Institute of Science, is studying the recovery of plants in Henry Coe State Park. He talks about what survived, what's coming back, and how he knows. Jon Keely talks about what to look for when you explore a place that has burned, and some things to discover and appreciate. WildeBeat members can download extended bonus interviews with Winslow Briggs and Jon Keely from our WildeBeat Insider's web pages.
Tue, May 06, is a reference web site maintained as a partnership project of the Wilderness Institute at the University of Montana's College of Forestry and Conservation, the Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center, and the Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute. has chosen to feature the WildeBeat on their main page. We thank them. One very useful feature of the site is their Find a Wilderness feature. Use it to find detailed information on over 700 of the protected wilderness areas in the U.S. Mon, May 05, 2008If you're a user of Facebook and a fan of the WildeBeat, you can become our fan on Facebook. Just go to the WildeBeat page on Facebook and click on become a fan. Thu, May 01, 2008Listen now:
We play a part of a TV news report about a wild fire that burned about half of California's Henry Coe State Park. This park contains the nearest wilderness area to us, the Orestimba Wilderness. Kathleen Good tells us about the largest of last year's wild fires in California, the Zaca Fire in the Los Padres National Forest, which burned both the Dick Smith Wilderness and the San Rafael Wilderness. Steve tours the damage at Henry Coe State Park with ranger John Verhoeven. Ben Lawhon, education director for the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics, reminds us about responsible use of fire on backcountry and wilderness outings. Next week, in part 2, scientists study what happens to a wild place after a fire. |