The WildeBeatThe audio journal about getting into the wilderness.
The outdoor recreation and adventure radio show and podcast about backcountry news and activities, like camping, backpacking, skiing, and snowshoeing. MORE... CONTRIBUTEYou can contribute reports about your own outings, local wilderness areas, and conditions. Find out how. Listener comment line: SUPPORTHelp us help more people to discover our wild public lands. The WildeBeat is a public benefit project of the Earth Island Institute, a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation. ARCHIVES
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Thu, Dec 27, 2007Listen now:
Out of more than a thousand reviews published on BGT this year, they were impressed by these:
Backpack Gear Test has more gear to review than reviewers. You can start out by reviewing gear you already own, and then you might be able to get other free gear to review. Read: How to become a tester.
Thu, Dec 20, 2007Listen now:
Steve returns to visit the kitchen of backcountry cooking author Linda Frederick Yaffe. Ms. Yaffe is the author of the books Backpack Gourmet, Solar Cooking for Home and Camp, High Trail Cookery, and The Well Organized Camper. Our guest backpack gourmet gives us an introduction to baking a cake with a homemade solar oven. Without fuel or fire, she bakes a delicious gingerbread cake. Find out how you can make these kind of fun foods yourself on your backcountry trips. She offers to tell us about a more packable solar oven in a future program. Ms. Yaffe mentions the non-profit organization, Solar Cookers International, which she recommends as a source for appropriate cook pots and pans. Follow the supplemental information link below to get the complete recipe and pictures of her cooker and the cake.
Thu, Dec 13, 2007Listen now:
Steve talks with Michelle Waitzman, the author of the book, Sex in a Tent: A Wild Couple's Guide to Getting Naughty in Nature. Michelle talks about how to look for an outdoorsy partner. She tells the story of author Kathleen Meyer's search for the perfect match. How do you get a less outdoorsy sweetie into your tent? And what are some of the benefits to your relationship if you do? Michelle retells some of the stories she gathered for her book. We had to edit out some of the interview from this G-rated version. WildeBeat members can download those portions from our WildeBeat Insiders web pages. Michelle invites you to share your stories about romance in the wilderness on her blog, Love in a Tent. We invite you to share your wilderness love stories by calling our toll-free comment line at 866-590-7373.
Thu, Dec 06, 2007Listen now:
Listener Oliver Hager, who lives in Germany, frequently visits American wilderness areas. He commented on our edition number 113, Desert Roadless Traveled. Kurt Repanshek, who contributed that story for us, responds. Listen now:
Edward Ripley-Duggan reviews the Valandre Mirage. Kevin Hollingsworth reviews the Montbell UL Alpine Burrow Bag. Andrew Buskov reviews the Big Agnes Lost Ranger. If you're interested in reviewing for Backpack Gear Test (BGT), read: How to become a tester. Manufacturers provide more gear than the volunteers at BGT can keep up with. By becoming a tester, you can help your fellow wilderness travelers find out what gear will work for them. |